
These Five Simple Tips Will Increase Your Chances of Getting Hired

School days are finally over and here you are, getting ready to go out there and start applying for a job. But before you do that, are you really ready for employment? With such high competition these days, it’s very important to make sure that you get the best chance of getting hired on the first try.

How do you do that? Follow these five simple tips:

Take the time to create your CV.

Your CV will give you that shot at getting noticed by a potential employer, so it’s very important to get it right. When writing your CV, make sure to tailor it to the job that you are applying for, highlight your achievements and keep everything short yet relevant.

Handle necessary requirements and tasks ahead of time.

Most employers these days prefer to hire candidates who can start with them right away. So, if you do not want to waste an opportunity just because you’re lacking some requirements like a national police check, you need to get them sorted even before you start applying for a job.

Know your strengths and weaknesses.

Potential employers want people who know exactly what their strengths and weaknesses are, so make sure to project that on your interview. The trick here is to create a list of your strengths and weaknesses, and practice on explaining them even before you start looking for a job. This way, you’re ready for interviews and get the best chance at landing a job.

Create a good network.

While your CV is the most important document that you can give a potential employer, having the right network will also help you leverage yourself and get the best shot at landing your dream job. In fact, the people you know can really make a huge difference in your journey as an applicant.

So, how exactly do you build a good network even if you don’t know a lot of people? LinkedIn is one of the best tools that you can use in meeting other professionals and creating a network of like-minded people.

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Build your personal brand.

Think of yourself like a business where you are the product. These days, most employers can easily go online to check if a potential candidate is who he says he is. So, if you don’t want to waste your chance of getting a good job because of negative feedback online, it’s very important to build your personal brand as early as now.

Build your online presence through different social media platforms and make sure that you post only those that reflect your personality. Avoid getting into personal attacks online or making negative comments that may have a bad reflection on your personality. Remember that it’s easy to destroy your reputation online, so it’s very important to be mindful when posting anything on your social media platforms.

With these tips in mind, are you ready to get started with your application journey?

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